American > British Glossary | H
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Americanisms |
Intro |
O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Briticisms |
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haberdasher | menswear dealer |
hair braids | plaits |
hair spray | lacquer, hair lacquer, hair spray |
half note | minim |
half-staff, at (of flag) | half-mast, at |
half step (in music) | semitone |
hamburger [C] | beefburger, hamburger |
hamburger [U] (ground beef) | mince, minced meat |
ham-handed (awkward, clumsy) | ham-fisted |
hamper | laundry basket |
hang up (end a phone call) | ring off |
hanger | coat hanger |
harbor seal | common seal |
hardware store | ironmonger('s), ironmongery, hardware store |
hat check girl | cloakroom attendant |
hauler (trucker; trucking company) | haulier (lorry driver; haulage company) |
have (as in 'Do you have a piano?') | have got (as in 'Have you got a piano?') |
have a go at (try doing something) | have a bash at, have a whack at, have a crack at |
hazard pay, hazardous duty pay | danger money |
haze (v.) | bully, harass |
hazing | bullying, harassment |
head nurse | matron |
headcheese (cooked pressed meat from pig's head) | brawn |
health club | sports centre |
healthful (beneficial to health) | healthy |
heavy cream | double cream |
heist [colloq.] | robbery |
hem and haw (take long time deciding something) | hum and haw, haver |
Hey! (exclamation to call attention) | Oi! |
high rise, high-rise | tower block |
high school | secondary school |
high tension tower (supporting high-voltage cables) | pylon, electricity pylon |
highboy (piece of furniture) | tallboy |
leveraged (of company with high borrowing in relation to its share capital) |
highly geared |
highway | main road, trunk road; motorway |
highway intersection | motorway junction |
hike (in cost of something) | rise |
hip-huggers (pants not reaching waist height) | hipsters |
hobo (vagrant or vagabond) | tramp |
hockey | ice hockey |
hoedown | traditional, square or line dance event in rural US |
hokey, hoky [colloq.] | artificial, exaggerated, or sickly sentimental |
holiday season | Christmas season |
holler [colloq.] | shout out loudly |
hollowware (compare AmE flatware) | crockery not flat in shape, such as cups and bowls |
homey (familiar, simple and comfortable, like home) | homely |
homey, homie, homeboy [colloq.] | hometown
male friend; member of one's peer group or gang |
homely | plain in the sense of unattractive, not alluring |
homemaker | housewife |
honey, hon' | love (form of
address used by older shop clerks); poppet [colloq.] (said to young, dainty girl) |
hood (of a car) | bonnet |
hood [slang] | gangster |
hooker [slang] | scrubber, slag [both slang], prostitute |
hooters [slang] (female breasts) | knockers, bristols [both slang], boobs [colloq.] |
chest (clothes, linen, etc. which a young woman traditionally collects for use after she is married) |
bottom drawer |
horizontal stabilizer (on aircraft) | tailplane |
horn, the [slang] (landline phone) | blower, the [slang] |
horny [slang] (lustful) | randy [slang] |
horse opera [slang], cowboy movie | western, cowboy film |
horse trailer | horsebox |
horseback riding | riding, horse riding, pony trekking |
horsefly | cleg |
hospitalized | in hospital |
hot button, hot button issue [colloq.] | a thorny, controversial or emotive issue |
hot flash (sensation felt by menopausal women) | hot flush |
hotdog bun | bridge roll |
housewares | household goods |
housing development | estate, housing estate |
housing loan company or corporation | building society |
housing project (low-cost housing for less affluent) | council estate; council flats |
hump (v.) [slang] (have sex) | bonk, roger, have it away, have it off [all slang] |
hunker down | sit down on your heels |
hunting expedition, hunting party | shoot (as in 'we took part in a shoot on Dartmoor') |
(cabinet with doors or drawers at the bottom and shelves at the top) |
Welsh dresser |