American > British Glossary | M
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Americanisms |
Intro |
O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Briticisms |
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ma'am | madam |
Magic City, the [nickname] | Miami, Florida |
post | |
mail slot | letterbox |
mailbox (public) | letterbox, postbox |
mailman, mail carrier | postman, postie [colloq.] |
main drag, the [colloq.] | high street, the |
main street (on main street) | high street (in the high street) |
[acad.] (as in 'her major was economics', 'she majored in economics', or 'she's an economics major') |
subject of specialization at college or university;
student or graduate who studied this subject |
major (U.S. Air Force) | squadron leader (Royal Air Force) |
major general (U.S. Air Force) | air vice marshal (Royal Air Force) |
make an inventory | take stock |
mantel | mantelpiece |
marriage certificate | marriage lines |
marriage clerk's office | registry office, register office |
master sergeant (U.S. Air Force) | flight sergeant (Royal Air Force) |
math | maths |
mean (as in 'She has a mighty mean dog!') | aggressive, vicious, violent |
measuring cup | measuring jug |
meat grinder | mincer |
mechanical generator (e.g. on bicycle) | dynamo |
mechanical pencil | propelling pencil |
median strip (on freeway or divided highway) | central reservation (on motorway, dual carriageway) |
medicine chest, medicine cabinet | bathroom cabinet |
meet one's nut [colloq.] (in business) | break even and cover one's costs |
messy | untidy |
messenger | courier; dispatch-rider (provides fast, motorcycle delivery of important documents or packages) |
mezzanine (first balcony in theater) | circle, dress circle |
Mideast, the | Middle East, the |
mid-term vacation (for school children) | half-term holiday |
mineral spirits | white spirit |
mini-mart | convenience store |
minivan, passenger van | people carrier |
turtleneck (of sweater with high round collar that does not fold over on itself) |
turtleneck |
model house | show home, show house |
molly bolt | Rawplug™ (plastic anchor so screws can grip walls) |
momentarily | in a moment, in a tick [colloq.], in a trice [colloq.] |
money order | postal order |
monkey wrench | adjustable spanner |
monkeyshines (mischievous or playful behavior) | monkey tricks |
mooch (live off or get things from others for free) | sponge |
moor (swampland) | fen, marsh |
moose | elk |
mopboard | skirting board |
morgue | mortuary |
mortician | undertaker |
motion picture | cinema film |
motorbike | in the US a moped or small, light motorcycle |
motorhome | camper van, camper |
mountain oyster, Rocky Mountain oyster | testicle of sheep or bull served up as delicacy |
movers (of furniture and other household goods) | remover(s), removal(s) firm [both formal]; movers [informal] |
movie | film |
movie star | film star |
movie theater | cinema |
movies, the [colloq.] | the pictures, the flicks [both colloq.], the cinema |
moving van | removal(s) van or lorry; pantechnicon (large size) |
moxie [colloq.] | courage
and determination; pep [colloq.], energy |
muffin | cupcake made from eggs and baking powder |
muffler (on motor vehicle) | silencer |
mug (n.) [slang] | thug;
someone's face [disparaging]; mush [slang] |
munchies [colloq.] (small, light snack items) | nibbles [colloq.] |
muslin (in the U.S. a plain white cotton cloth) | calico |
mutt [colloq.] | foolish or incompetent person |
mutual fund | unit trust |