EFL teacher David Appleyard
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Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Americanisms
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AmericanAmerican term or expression BritishBritish equivalent, or explanation
Karen [slur eponym]
  (as in 'there's always a Karen in every group')
stereotypical privileged but resentful middle-aged white woman who might be perceived as racist
kennel (place dog is left during owner's absence) kennels (plural)
kerosene paraffin
ketchup tomato sauce, ketchup
kettle (as in 'fish kettle') metal cooking pot with lid
kibitz (v.) chat or comment;
offer unwanted advice, esp. during card games
kindergarten (for children 5–6 years old) infant school
kindergartner infant (UK schoolchild under 7)
kitchen counter kitchen bench, worktop, work surface
kitchen shears kitchen scissors
kitchen stove (with oven and grill) cooker
Kleenex™ tissue, paper handkerchief
knickers knickerbockers, plus fours
knock (on) wood (said when hoping for luck) touch wood  
knock someone up [slang] (make pregnant) put in the family way [colloq.]
knucklehead [colloq.] (slow-witted, clumsy person) blockhead, pinhead, jackass, twit [all colloq.], oaf