British > American Glossary | M
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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mac [colloq.], macintosh, mackintosh | raincoat |
madam | ma'am |
main clause [grammar] | independent clause |
main course (of meal) | entrée |
main road | highway; parkway (in open landscape) |
mains, the (main household electric power switch) | circuit (breaker) box, fuse box |
mains socket | outlet |
maisonette (flat on two floors with own entrance) | duplex apartment |
maize | corn |
major (as in 'Brown major') | traditionally used in British public schools when referring to the elder of two boys with the same name, usually brothers |
majority (in first-past-the-post election) | plurality |
make up a prescription (dispense medicine) | fill a prescription |
managing director (chief executive) | combines roles of CEO (chief executive officer) and COO (chief operating officer) in the U.S. |
Mancunian | relating to (or resident of) English city of Manchester |
mangetout | snow pea |
mangle | wringer |
manifesto (political party's declaration of principles) | platform |
mantelpiece | mantel |
marine (title of starting rank in Royal Marines) | private first class > private (U.S. Marine Corps) |
garden (small farm growing fruit and vegetables for direct sale to public) |
truck farm |
market stall | stand |
marketing director (top executive) | vice president (VP) marketing |
marriage lines | marriage certificate |
marrow (vegetable) | squash |
Marshal of the Royal Air Force (RAF) | General of the Air Force (U.S. Air Force) |
marshalling yard, shunting yard | railroad yard, switching yard |
mash [colloq.] (as in 'bangers and mash') | mashed potatoes |
match (soccer, rugby, cricket, tennis, etc.) | game |
mate [colloq.] | pal,
buddy, bud (usually friendly but sometimes hostile form of address) |
maths | math |
matron | head nurse |
mean | stingy, tight-fisted |
measuring beaker or cylinder (in science lab) | graduated beaker |
measuring cylinder (in science lab) | graduated cylinder |
measuring jug | measuring cup |
Meccano™ (toy model construction kit) | Erector™ set (U.S. equivalent) |
mechanical digger | backhoe |
Med, the [colloq.] | Mediterranean Sea |
medium wave (see also VHF) | AM radio |
metalled road | road
covered with small or crushed stones; paved road |
meths [colloq.], methylated spirits | denatured
alcohol used for cleaning
or as fuel in small lamps or heaters |
mezzanine | small
extra floor between one story and the next; in theater, a floor or space beneath the stage |
Middle East, the | Mideast, the |
mileometer, milometer | odometer |
milk float | small electric vehicle for home milk delivery |
mince, minced meat | ground meat, hamburger [U] |
mincemeat | mix of currants, raisins, apples, spices, etc |
mince pie | pie containing mincemeat |
mincer | meat grinder |
minder [slang] | bodyguard for criminal, celebrity, etc. |
mini-break | mini-vacation, usually over three-day weekend |
minim (in music) | half note |
minor (as in 'Brown minor') | traditionally used in British public schools when referring to the younger of two boys with the same name, usually brothers |
mobile, mobile phone | cell phone |
moggie, moggy [colloq.] | cat |
momentarily (as in 'It snowed momentarily') | for a moment, briefly |
monkey tricks (mischievous or playful behaviour) | monkeyshines |
monkey's (as in 'I don't give a monkey's!') | I don't give a damn! |
moor | tract of wild upland covered in heather |
moped (small, light motorcycle) | motorbike |
morning tea | tea often served in bedroom before breakfast |
mortuary | morgue |
motor car | automobile |
motor racing | auto racing, automobile racing |
motorbike | in the U.K. a motorcycle of any size |
motorist | car driver |
motorway |
expressway, freeway,
super or interstate highway; turnpike (tolls collected) |
moving staircase | escalator |
muck about, muck around | goof around [colloq.], fool around |
muck about with, muck around with | mess around with, interfere with |
muck in (together) | help one another out with essential tasks |
mudflap | splash guard |
mudguard (on bicycle or motorcycle) | fender |
muffin | round cake of yeast dough, usually toasted |
mug [slang] | gullible person, dupe, simpleton |
mug up on [colloq], revise (exam subject) | cram, review |
multi-storey car park | parking garage |
museum piece [colloq.] | thing or person quaintly old-fashioned and uncool |
[slang] (as in 'He's a decent mush despite his ugly mush!') |
guy, fellow; mug [slang], face |
music centre | audio system, sound system |
muslin | in the U.K. a thin, delicately woven cotton cloth |