British > American Glossary | F
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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face flannel, facecloth | washcloth |
faculty (of university) | group of departments specializing in particular field |
faff [colloq.] | hassle |
fag [slang] |
cigarette; young British public school boy forced to run errands for an older one, similar to an American private school 'gofer' |
fag end [slang] (the stump of a smoked cigarette) | butt end;
the last or worst part of something |
fagged out [colloq.] | tired out, exhausted |
faggot | fried or baked pork and liver meatball |
faggot [disparaging slang] | unpleasant woman |
fair and square (precisely and without any doubt) | squarely |
fair crack of the whip [colloq.] | fair chance to participate |
fairground | amusement
park; piece of land on which a carnival is being held |
faith school | parochial school |
family saloon (car) | sedan |
fancy (v.) | feel desire for something; have crush on someone |
fancy dress party | costumes party |
fanny [slang] (female genitals) | beaver, pussy [both slang], |
Father Christmas | Santa Claus |
feel sick | feel nauseous |
fen | moor, marsh, swampland |
fête (fundraising outdoor event, sale of goods, etc.) | fair |
field marshal (British Army) | general of the army (U.S. Army) |
filing cabinet | file cabinet |
fill in a form | fill out a form |
filling station | gas station |
film (cinema) | movie |
film star | movie star |
finance director (chief financial director) | chief financial officer (or CFO) |
financial year | fiscal year |
fire brigade, fire service | fire department |
fireman, firefighter | firefighter |
fire hydrant | fireplug, hydrant |
fire station | firehouse |
firework | fire cracker |
first floor | second floor |
first form (at school) | first grade |
first-former | first grader |
first-past-the-post (election) | winner-takes-all candidate selection |
fish finger | fish stick |
fish slice (kitchen utensil) | spatula, pancake turner |
fishmonger | fish dealer |
fitted carpet | wall-to-wall carpet |
fixture | agreed time and date for a sports event |
fizzy drink | soda, pop |
flan | open pie with sweet or savory filling |
flannel | facecloth, washcloth |
flat (to let) | apartment (for rent) |
flat (individually owned) | condominium |
flatmate | roommate |
flatware | flat earthenware, such as plates, saucers, etc. |
fleet chief petty officer (Royal Navy) | warrant
officer > master chief petty officer > senior chief petty officer (U.S. Navy) |
Fleet Street [colloq.] | street still synonymous with 'the London press,' although it is no longer based there |
flex | electric cord or wire |
flexitime (see also BrE core time) | flextime |
flick knife | switchblade |
flight lieutenant (Royal Air Force) | captain (U.S. Air Force) |
flight sergeant (Royal Air Force) | master sergeant (U.S. Air Force) |
flipping [colloq.] (as in 'it's flipping hot') | darned [colloq.], exceedingly |
flog [slang] | sell, offer for sale |
flotation | IPO (initial public offering) |
flies, fly (front opening in pair of trousers) | fly |
fly tipping | illegal dumping |
flyover | overpass |
flysheet (extra sheet of canvas over tent) | fly |
football | soccer (association football) |
football pitch | soccer field |
footballer | soccer
player; football player (American football) |
footfall (business term) | the number of people who enter a store or business premises within a given period of time |
form (school class) | grade |
fortnight (from Old English for 'fourteen nights') | two weeks |
fourth-year student/undergraduate on 4-year course | senior |
foyer (large open area inside entrance of public building) |
lobby |
Fred Karno's (army) [colloq.] (as in: 'This restaurant is a right Fred Karno's!') |
chaotic outfit, organization or setup where nothing works and staff are incompetent |
free house | inn or pub not controlled by one particular brewery |
freephone (or 0800) number in the UK | toll free (or 800) number in the U.S. |
French bean | green bean |
French dressing | Italian dressing |
French letter [old-fashioned colloq.] | condom |
French windows | French doors |
fresher [colloq.] (first-year UK undergraduate) | freshman (also used at U.S. high schools) |
fridge | refrigerator, icebox |
fringe (hair) | bangs |
front (seafront) | promenade |
fruiterer | fruit dealer |
fruit machine | slot machine, one-armed bandit |
fruity [colloq.] (rude or saucy) | full of scandal or sexy humor |
frying pan | skillet, fry pan, frying pan |
fuel gauge | gas gauge |
fug (n.) [colloq.] | stuffy or fusty atmosphere, as in an unaired room |
full [slang] | drunk |
full age | having adult legal status |
full board (hotel stay including three meals per day) | American plan (compare AmE European plan) |
full marks | rated A1; deserving commendation |
the full
monty [colloq.] (all the good things avaialble or one would expect to find) |
the works [colloq.] |
full stop (punctuation mark) | period |
funeral parlour | funeral home, funeral parlor |
funfair | amusement park; carnival (traveling outdoor show) |
funnel (on ship or steam engine) | smokestack, funnel |
funny bone | crazy bone |
fuzz, the [colloq.] | cops [colloq.], police |