EFL teacher David Appleyard
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Index of Briticisms
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AmericanBritish term or expression BritishAmerican equivalent, or explanation
underdone not thoroughly cooked; rare, medium-rare (steak)
underground (railway) subway
underground station subway stop
undertaker mortician
unfeasible, unfeasibility infeasible, infeasibility
unit trust mutual fund
university college, university
untidy messy
up a gum tree [colloq.] in great difficulties
up sticks [colloq.] (move with all one's possessions) pull up stakes [colloq.]
up the duff, up the spout [both colloq.] pregnant (especially unintentionally)
upmarket upscale, classy
use your loaf [colloq.] use your head, show some common sense
utility room laundry room