British > American Glossary | W
Smoothing and improving transatlantic communication
Index of Briticisms |
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | Americanisms |
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wage packet | pay envelope |
wagon, waggon (on railway) | railroad car, freight car |
waistcoat | vest |
walking frame, Zimmer frame™ | walker |
walking stick | walking cane |
wall socket | outlet |
wallet (men's) | billfold, pocketbook |
wally [slang] | completely dumb person |
wanker [slang] (contemptible man) | asshole, jerk [both slang] |
wanted ad | want ad |
warder | prison guard |
wardrobe | closet |
warrant officer (Royal Air Force) | chief
master sergeant > senior master sergeant (U.S. Air Force) |
1st class or 2nd class (British Army & Royal Marines) |
warrant officer (U.S. Army & U.S. Marine Corps) |
washer-up | dishwasher |
wash up | do the dishes, wash the dishes |
washbasin | sink |
washing detergent; washing powder | laundry detergent, laundry soap |
washing-up liquid | dish detergent, dish soap |
waste bin | trash can, garbage can |
wastepaper basket, wastepaper bin | wastebasket |
water ice (kind of sorbet) | Italian ice, water ice |
waterworks [colloq., euphemism] (as in 'Grandad's having trouble with his waterworks') |
and urinary tract |
way out (sign in car park, railway station, etc.) | exit |
WC (water closet) | toilet |
weatherboard (to protect house from bad weather) | clapboard |
wellington boots, wellingtons, wellies [colloq.] | rubber boots |
Welsh dresser (furniture item) | hutch |
wet (adj.) [colloq., disparaging] | feeble, inept |
wet (n.) [colloq., disparaging] | U.K. liberal conservative or U.S. liberal republican |
whack [slang] (as in 'I'll have a whack at it!') | go, attempt, try |
whacked (out) [colloq.] | exhausted, tired out |
wheelie bin, wheely bin [colloq.] | large plastic trash container with two wheels to help move heavy loads to garbage truck or pick-up point |
[colloq.] (as in 'the tech giant has come up with the wheeze of persuading us all to buy new PCs') |
smart or cunning plan |
whip-round (n.) [colloq.] | internal soliciting of donations toward gift for retiring/marrying employee, or similar good cause |
whiskey | Irish or American whiskey |
whisky | Scotch |
white coffee (coffee with milk or cream added) | light coffee, coffee light |
White Paper | U.K. government report on a specific subject, usually outlining planned legislation |
spirit (alcoholic liquid used as solvent or cleaner) |
mineral spirits, mineral turpentine |
Whitehall | London street synonymous with British Government |
wholemeal (bread, flour, spaghetti, etc.) | whole wheat |
willie, willy (schoolboy slang for 'penis') | pecker [slang] |
windcheater | windbreaker |
windscreen | windshield |
windscreen wiper | windshield wiper |
wing (on vehicle) | fender |
Wing Commander (Royal Air Force) | Lieutenant Colonel (U.S. Air Force) |
wing mirror (on vehicle) | side mirror |
winklepicker [colloq.] | man's shoe with long pointed toe |
wireless | radio |
witness box | witness stand |
wodge [colloq.] | a wad, thick piece or chunk of something |
women's hairdressing salon/hairdresser's | beauty parlor, beauty salon, beauty shop |
wonga [colloq.] | money, loot, bread [colloq.] |
wonky [colloq.] | wobbly, unsteady, likely to collapse or fall over |
wood, woods | woods |
woollen [adj.] | woolen, wool |
woolly [colloq.] | knitted sweater |
work a treat | function or turn out well |
work double tides | work twice as long or hard as usual |
work in progress | work in process |
working day | workday |
working week | workweek |
worktop, work surface (esp. kitchen) | counter |
world record | world's record, world record |
Wrap up! [slang] | Shut up! |
write to somebody (but 'write somebody a letter') | write somebody (often no preposition 'to' in AmE) |
write-off [colloq.] (as in 'the car was a total write-off') | something damaged beyond repair |